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Encouraging Indonesian "Spiderman" to reach the limits of its capabilities

In the 2022 Asian Games, the Indonesian rock climbing team will rely on the "speed" number to maintain the status of overall champion in that branch. They are targeting a clean sweep of four speed gold medals in the 19th edition of the Asian Games.

This article has been translated using AI. See Original .

· 9 minutes read

The following article was translated using both Microsoft Azure Open AI and Google Translation AI. The original article can be found in Mendorong ”Spiderman” Indonesia Menembus Batas Kemampuan

The Indonesian climbing team is undergoing training in preparation for the Asian Games 2022 at the Santika Premiere Hotel in Bekasi, West Java on Friday (8/9/2023). A total of 12 Indonesian climbers will be sent to compete in the Hangzhou 2022 Asian Games in China, scheduled for September 23 to October 8, 2023.

The Indonesian climbing team is undergoing training in preparation for the Asian Games 2022 at the Santika Premiere Hotel in Bekasi, West Java on Friday (8/9/2023). A total of 12 Indonesian climbers will be sent to compete in the Hangzhou 2022 Asian Games in China, scheduled for September 23 to October 8, 2023.

With a series of impressive achievements at international level in the last five years, there is no guarantee that the Indonesian rock climbing competition team can dominate the Hangzhou Asian Games, China, 2022 on September 23-October 8 2023. Therefore, The "Red-White" Spidermans are encouraged to continue pushing the limits of their abilities by being given the high target of wiping out four gold medals in the speed number and sharpening the world time record.

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