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Indonesians Recruited as Online Scammers Abroad

The human trafficking trend is growing globally. Indonesians are not the only victims. There are also victims from South America, southern African nations and Asia.

· 5 minutes read
Families await the arrival of their family members who are Indonesian Migrant Workers abroad who return home via Yogyakarta International Airport, Kulon Progo, DI Yogyakarta, Monday (17/4/2023).

Families await the arrival of their family members who are Indonesian Migrant Workers abroad who return home via Yogyakarta International Airport, Kulon Progo, DI Yogyakarta, Monday (17/4/2023).

JAKARTA, KOMPAS – There is a growing trend in migrant workers being recruited as online scammers abroad. Recruitment ads appear on social media and instant messaging applications. The government is called on to take immediate preventive measures and to enforce the law to keep this trend in check.

Migrant Care executive director Wahyu Susilo said that throughout 2022, the organization received complaints from 271 Indonesian citizens working in various countries, including Malaysia, Cambodia, the Philippines, Myanmar, Laos, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Iraq and Libya. Of that figure, 189 Indonesians reported that they were victims of human trafficking or illegal recruitment, in which they were forced to work as online scammers and with online gambling rings.

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