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EnglishSinking Ships is Barbaric

Sinking Ships is Barbaric

Is there any humanity left in this nation? Children of this nation are deliberately drowning their brothers in the ocean for money and deceiving the authorities.

· 3 minutes read
Four suspects who share roles from recruiting to illegally distributing migrant workers at the Banten Regional Police, Tuesday (21/2/2023). They lure victims with a salary of Rp. 5 million per month.

Four suspects who share roles from recruiting to illegally distributing migrant workers at the Banten Regional Police, Tuesday (21/2/2023). They lure victims with a salary of Rp. 5 million per month.

The second principle of our state ideology, Pancasila, is a “just and civilized humanity.” Not unjust and uncivilized. The actions of a group of people, including Indonesian citizens, who are suspected of deliberately drowning prospective Indonesian migrant workers in Johor waters, Malaysia, in 2021, are barbaric. Moreover, these crimes against humanity were committed for the sake of deceiving the authorities and for profit.

The Indonesian Migrant Workers Protection Agency (BP2MI) team discovered that the incident of a ship carrying our migrant workers in Johor waters at the end of 2021 was sunk deliberately. The tragedy killed 22 prospective Indonesian workers and left 29 others missing. Since the end of 2021, 44 migrant workers have drowned and 76 people are missing (Kompas, 1/4/2023).

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