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EnglishLesson from Orient Case

Lesson from Orient Case

The Constitutional Court revoked Orient\'s status as the regent-elect of Sabu Raijua, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT). The case, which pertained to Orient’s US citizenship status, showed the urgency for data integration.

· 5 minutes read
Kompas/Heru Sri Kumoro

The dispute over the results of the 2020 Pesisir Selatan Regent election (telephone screen) and the dispute over the results of the 2020 Sabu Raijua Regent election which was held by the Constitutional Court and broadcast online via the Youtube channel of the Constitutional Court, Tuesday (23/3/2021).

JAKARTA, KOMPAS -- The Constitutional Court\'s decision on Thursday (15/4/2021), which overruled the victory of Sabu Raijua regent candidate, Orient Patriot Riwu Kore, due to citizenship issues, has served a lesson for the government to organize cross-agency data integration. Without improving data integration, cases like Orient can reoccur.

Orient, who holds US citizenship, passed the nomination stage, then won the 2020 Sabu Raijua regional election. In fact, it is a prerequisite for a regional head candidate to be an Indonesian citizen. The multi-layered failure of various agencies to detect Orient’s dual citizenship has wasted tens of billions of rupiah in the regional election budget, as well as ignited conflict in society.

Syahnan Rangkuti
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